The Detroit School of Rock and Pop Music® offers music lessons, live band programs, music field trips, rehearsal rentals, recording studios, videos and more to Metro Detroit musicians, young and old.
Photo: The Detroit School of Rock and Pop Music® Kidz Rock Band program students shoot a YouTube video special in the school’s production facility.
Come to Rock, Roll and Learn.
Our Studio. Their time to shine.
Our program is perfect for kids of all types. It provides some basic music ideas as well as a lot of insight into instruments, the recording process, and also teamwork and character development.
Program Description:
The program is a two hour program that consists of 3 parts. First we explain a bit about each instrument and play some for them. Then they get a chance to play each instrument. Second we go in our recording studio and talk about recording and what is possible with modern recording technology. Lastly, we record something ourselves! Usually this is a “singing” situation, as this is the one thing in which everyone can participate. We learn about listening back to ourselves and trying to do things as best as we can and our team shares some stories about the world of music and it’s benefits to building character and teamwork.
Join us and learn how to get the best out of your own gear with the staff of Metro Detroit’s best school for music experience. You don’t need to purchase more gear. Another boutique pedal is only one piece of the equation. You don’t need a superstar’s secrets. You just need some personal attention, a good overview, and a plan to make your passion come alive!
Bring your own gear and dial it in with the help of our staff!
9:30am – Load In – Breakfast Snacks (provided)
10:00am – Tone Discussion – 4 Areas of Tone Success
12:00pm – Setup / Research – Lunch (provided)
12:30pm – Individual Breakout Sessions
2:15pm – Indivudal Goal Setting Discussion / Wrap Up
There is limited enrollment for this experience. There will be some group exploration time during the day, so tell a friend!
Gear – We will have lots of gear available in the school, but we encourage each participant to bring the gear that they use regularly. (Guitar, Amp, FX Pedals) Please note that this experience does not have enough time to teach the capabilities of each and every piece of gear, so bringing 50 pedals might be a bit overkill. Multi-effects units are welcome, but each and every function of them may be beyond the scope of this workshop and require the individual mentorship of a private lesson.
Food – ($Included) We will have breakfast snacks (fruits, doughnuts, coffee, juice, etc.) at the morning meet and greet. We will also provide pizza for lunch. Unfortunately we will not be able to accommodate individual food requests.
Tuition – $TBD
ENROLLMENT: Contact us for info about upcoming programs!
Weekly Recording Studio Experience for DSRP Students
Having knowledge about how to record and document your own musical projects is a necessary skill for a modern musician. We want our students to be as prepared as possible. That is why we give each of them the chance to learn about recording with some of the best recording instructors in Metro Detroit.
Every private lesson student and band program member is eligible to come to Monday night Studio Circle at no charge! If you only want to attend the circle but aren’t in other programs, a nominal charge is incurred.
Circle Prerequisites: Students don’t need any specific knowledge ahead of time. Through weekly participation and discussions, they will gain knowledge of music recording, computer multi-track recording software (Logic Pro, Garage Band, Pro Tools, etc.), with which to practice techniques at home on their own.
Topics to be covered:
– Science of Sound
– Microphones
– Microphone Placement
– Digital Audio Recording
– Digital Audio Editing
– Mixing
– Equalization
– Compression/Expansion
– Reverb
– Delay
– Chorus
– Flanging
– MIDI production
– Studio Procedures and Care
– Running a Recording Session
Contact us for more info.